What is a Dub Plate?
A Dubplate is actually an acetate, which is a transitional stage between the master tape and the finished vinyl record
Originally acetates were used for home recording in the days before tape recorders. A machine actually cuts the grooves into the acetate like a lathe. This can be computerized, or done manually by the engineer.
The acetate is used to assess whether the music has been successfully transferred to disc. It is checked by the sound engineer. There may be only one copy made of a particular recording, sometimes more are cut and sent to the studio and band members for approval.
The acetate comes before making the master, and allows the sound to be checked without great expense.
Sometimes DJs and remixers will get acetates cut in order to have an exclusive mix to play out! This is a Dubplate!
An acetate looks like a vinyl record, but it is actually a metal plate covered in a layer of acetone and in my experience they are 10".
Another notable fact is that they can only be played for a limited number of plays and wear down very quickly, a bad stylus will soon see to the end of an expensive dubplate. To cut a dubplate cost about £35 ($60US) then of course the recording costs!

Cut a dub...
The term 'cut a dub'
came from actually
cutting the recording into an acetate.
Many producers would 'cut' dubs for DJ's as exclusive pre releases for promotion before a song was released. Within the Reggae community the artists took it further and recorded the Sound System's name in specially adapted lyrics, Sound Systems would clash and play Dub fi Dub, taking it in turns to select songs in competition judged by the crowds reaction. A sound that owned and played 'Dubplates' was a 'Big Sound'.

CD dub
Now a days Dubplates
are not 'cut' but burnt,
burnt to CD. It seems a bit insulting knowing how exclusive it was to cut dubs and how expensive it was, real commitment.
Now anyone can do it for about 10 pence! Artists may charge and studio time will cost but any artist with vision or good guidance will know its in their interest to voice dubplates for well known sound systems and DJ's as its them that can 'buss' your tune.
EDIT 2022 - CD's are dead its now all about files on a hard drive or USB.
Cutting dubs is free its all about artist fees and studio costs.

Why cut dubs?
Here is the question,
I will attempt to answer it
firstly as a sound man and then as a convicted Christian using music to minister.
Dubplates will elevate your sound system by getting you noticed and your sound name heard, by an artist calling your name that artist is basically endorsing your sound, your profile is raised and by selecting the right dubs at the right time be it in a dance or a clash can 'make' your name and career. A skillfully written Dubplate or special is both entertaining and unique making your sound stand out from the rest.
As a convicted Christian music is no longer first in my life but God is, I play music to worship God with and to share his love to others. A Dubplate is beneficial for this reason... Anyone listening will give you more 'time' cause in their ears you must be a 'big' sound as you play dubs. Very simple and this was my drive behind voicing dubs for HMSS.
HMSS will continue to voice dub plates and one a way specials in the hope of reaching ears that would normally turn off at the name of Jesus!

I want a Dubplate!
Ok, not saying you want to enter
the sound clash arena (maybe you do)
but if you want to voice Dubplates first know yourself, be able to reason why you want to voice dubs. Is your reason justified?
Respect the artist don't expect freeness your name should precede you if dubs are to be for free and pray common sense prevails for the artists to be sending them to you unprompted.
If you are a millionaire do not feed un warranted ego's and delusions of grandeur as you outprice everyone else and mash up the trading post.
Unless you are being payed to clash, Dubplates will not yield a return or even pay for themselves so approach with respect and moderation the bible says a worker should be paid proportionately.
Respect the culture dig deep and learn, I am no expert but as a soundman over 30 years Ive lived the experience from cutting my own dubs at JTS and considering buying a machine to playing dubs in clash situations.